entry | inproceedings |
address | |
annote | |
author | Huili Chen • Seetal Potluri • Farinaz Koushanfar |
booktitle | IEEE International NEWCAS Conference |
chapter | |
edition | |
editor | |
howpublished | |
institution | |
journal | |
month | 6 |
note | |
number | |
organization | |
pages | |
publisher | |
school | |
series | |
title | FlowTrojan: Insertion and Detection of Hardware Trojans on Flow-Based Microfluidic Biochips |
type | |
volume | |
year | 2,020 |
doi | |
issn | |
isbn | |
url | |
pdf | |
entry | inproceedings |
address | |
annote | |
author | Huili Chen • Seetal Potluri • Farinaz Koushanfar |
booktitle | IEEE International NEWCAS Conference |
chapter | |
edition | |
editor | |
howpublished | |
institution | |
journal | |
month | 6 |
note | |
number | |
organization | |
pages | |
publisher | |
school | |
series | |
title | FlowTrojan: Insertion and Detection of Hardware Trojans on Flow-Based Microfluidic Biochips |
type | |
volume | |
year | 2,020 |
doi | |
issn | |
isbn | |
url | |
pdf | |