entry | inproceedings |
address | Los Angeles, California, United StatesNew York, New York, USA |
annote | |
author | Caldwell, Andrew E. • Yu Cao • Kahng, Andrew B. • Farinaz Koushanfar • Lu, Hua • Igor L. Markov • Oliver, Michael • Stroob • t, Dirk • Sylvester, Dennis |
booktitle | the 37th conferenceProceedings of the 37th conference on Design automation - DAC {\textquoteright}00 |
chapter | |
edition | |
editor | |
howpublished | |
institution | |
journal | |
month | 0 |
note | |
number | |
organization | ACM Press |
pages | 693 - 698 |
publisher | ACM Press |
school | |
series | |
title | GTX: The MARCO GSRC Technology Extrapolation System |
type | |
volume | |
year | 2,000 |
doi | 10.1145/337292.337617 |
issn | |
isbn | 1581131879 |
url | http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=337292.337617 |
pdf | Caldwell2000.pdf |